This satirical comedy series follows the struggle of Soleh (Chicco Kurniawan), a young man who obsessed to become a policeman like his late father. He finally forced to accept a job as a private investigator, when he had to face the reality that his dream could not be realized. In each episode, Soleh will disguise himself into different occupations and meet a certain character who will interact with him.


Director: Fuad Hilmi Hirnanda

Screenplay: Tumpal Tampubolon, Nara Nugroho, Deliesza Tamara, Anindya Pramudita

Producer: Sheila Timothy

Cast: Chicco Kurniawan, Lukman Sardi, Runny Rudiyanti, Bowie Budianto, Ruth Marini, Revaldo, Rini Kreet, Maya Hasan


Production Company: Lifelike Pictures

Distributor: Mola TV

Total Episodes: 4

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