A family drama series that tells the story of Dedi (Dwi Sasono), the owner of an Angkringan that doubles up as a safe space for his customers. In each episode, Dedi’s Angkringan will have guests that bring their own stories and problems.
Director: Adriyanto Dewo
Screenplay: Tumpal Tampubolon, Nara Nugroho, Deliesza Tamara, Anindya Pramudita
Producer: Sheila Timothy
Cast: Dwi Sasono, Dayu Wijanto, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Arawinda Kirana, Morgan Oey, Aurora Riberi, Dito Darmawan, Alleyra Fakhira, Zack Lee
Production Company: Lifelike Pictures
Distributor: Mola TV
Total Episodes: 6