Watch The Mouth-Watering Trailer For TABULA RASA

By William Chandra
I still remember the opening scene from Ang Lee’s Eat, Drink, Man, Woman, one of the most mouth-watering scenes ever, which alone has great repeat viewing value and shows a lot about one culture and the story that follows.
The new trailer for Tabula Rasa hit me in exactly the same way, highlighting the Minangnese culinary arts from Sumatra that are very popular and widespread throughout Indonesia, while the main character, from Papua, works in a struggling lower class restaurant. Here’s the official synopsis:
Hans, a young man from Serui, Papua, has a dream of becoming a professional football player. Yet fate has a different agenda, when Hans almost loses his will to live he meets Mak, owner of a humble Minangnese restaurant (lapau). In the midst of their differences, Hans and Mak find their similarities. Dreams and the passion for living are once more ignited in Hans through food and cooking – food is the goodwill that unites them.
Directed by first-time filmmaker Adriyanto Dewo, with producer Sheila Timothy who is well known for cutting edge films like Joko Anwar’s Ritual and Forbidden Door. Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think in the comments!